Jim Wittes volunteered as Project Manager in the fall of 2011 and since then has worked tirelessly to research, select, negotiate with and manage our outside contractors. Not only has he made genuine contact with numerous contractors he has also worked right alongside many of them, inspiring the best work from them while helping us to find the ones most motivated to do good work and with whom the ACO may develop long term working relationships. In the process he has saved us tens of thousands of dollars as well as accomplished more in a shorter period of time than any previous ACO project.
Bob Kadlec was the first volunteer on PIP who in the spring of 2011 began clearing the undergrowth largely consisting of the invasive mulitflora wild roses that have taken over so much of the wooded areas of New Jersey. As that progressed, we saw the value of opening up the look -- long before we had the word “savannah” to describe it. That beginning helped motivate our desire to create more of a sense of “home” for the College that we announced in December 2011. He has now become Grounds Coordinator in the role of coordinating the other volunteers.
Jack Sargent who along with Jim volunteered to take on the role of Co-Project Manager has helped manage the project from a distance. He has been an invaluable sounding board with an outside perspective. When in town, he has walked the “campus” with Jim as well as Bob to provide knowledge and perspective about a wide range of property related questions.
Astrid Chastka, an architecture school graduate with landscaping and design experience, (and member of our young people’s brainstorming group from a couple of years ago) volunteered her time to meet with members of the PIP committee to offer some architectural insights as well as a young person’s perspective on our property improvement project.
Our volunteer property work and maintenance crew also include: Chris Kadlec, Sue Kadlec, Joe Heckman, Vince Mirabella, and Tom Ballman.
You too can join the ACO PIP team of volunteers with your expertise, time, energy and materials. If you think you may have a profession, trade or skill or source of materials that can help us, or if you just want to get outdoors and do some good old fashioned yard work, please send us an email or call (732) 821-1144 and join the PIP team today!