January 20, 2017
Dear Friend of the ACO:
This baby’s expression reflects some of the intense emotional reactions, regardless of political leanings, that people have experienced, both in the United States and abroad, in response to the recent U.S. presidential election. The tumult leading up to and the aftermath of the election stirred up people more than any event since 9/11.
The problem remains how to sort out the rational from the irrational reactions. More than ever the world needs the fresh perspective about sociopolitics first developed by Dr. Wilhelm Reich and further elaborated by others, most notably,
Drs. Elsworth Baker and Charles Konia. The ACO sits on a treasure trove of such functional knowledge within our members, trainees and students; preserved in our publications, taught in our public education programs and developed in research conducted by members of our group.
A student who attended the ACO’s 2014-2015 Sociopolitical Orgonomy Course recently told me that he viewed the presidential campaigns and election of 2016 entirely differently than he would have before the course. “One of the profound effects came directly from the title of the text we used, Dr. Konia’s book, Neither Left Nor Right. In the past I would have taken a fixed political stance, ‘I’m right and your views are wrong.’”
He paused and looked at me. “What would we call someone trying to approach the political situation from a deeper more rational perspective, not stuck in either left or right?”
“A functional citizen,” I replied.
What is a Functional Citizen?
By functional citizen, I mean someone who thinks functionally to support natural emotional health in themselves as well as their city, state or country. Such a citizen would understand that health is defined by the capacity for satisfaction in the rational core functions of love, work and knowledge.
This sort of simplicity and clarity has been glaringly absent from the discourse surrounding the recent presidential campaigns and election. Imagine if voters could evaluate candidates’ statements, proposals and actions by the extent to which they are destructive of or genuinely support and safeguard love, work and knowledge.
What Will a New Year Bring?
As a year of surprise came to a close, some faced the New Year with anticipation, others with dread, but everyone felt uncertainty. This is an opportune time to open the vault and take inventory of the storehouse of functional knowledge we have, especially as it may shed light on our current sociopolitical situation.
An Opportune Time to Share Our Gifts
Such an assessment is timely and completely in line with our recent emphasis on the need for the ACO to establish a foothold for functional knowledge in society. Recent events indicate a chink in people’s armor. They are disturbed. Intense emotions previously bound up have broken through—at least temporarily—in the sociopolitical realm. People look for new ways to deal with their lives primarily when they are hurting. We must not waste time and energy on nostalgia for the “good old days.” We need to see how to deal with the current reality and move forward. The current state of affairs is an opportunity to bring new information to the world now.
Foundations for Functional Citizenship
A functional approach is about what truly works. What matters, therefore, in social interactions are the real effects of a particular action, not what we say or our intentions. Such a focus keeps us grounded in reality rather than getting lost in an idealized view of how we would like things to happen.
Functional thinking, therefore, means thinking as nature functions. A functional citizen especially needs knowledge about how nature functions in human beings as individuals and as social animals. The functional citizen must be familiar with the basis for individual health as well as the health of social systems; neurotic character as well as sociopolitical character; individual emotional disease as well as sickness within social systems from minor office politics to major outbreaks of infectious human destructiveness.
A Wealth of Information
Each one of the concepts just mentioned, has much to offer in understanding recent political events and how we might become more functional citizens. As I began to review the wealth of functional knowledge, the gems of wisdom and pure gold contained in it once again stunned me. Initially, I’d planned to review and summarize basic functional concepts and report them to you in this annual report as they apply to current sociopolitical events. That task became more daunting than I’d imagined the further I did my research.
The breadth and depth of these ideas extend far beyond what we can cover here. In fact, the combined published works on these subjects by Reich, Baker and Konia alone, exceed several thousand pages. The ACO’s 2014-2015 introductory course in sociopolitical orgonomy based on only one of these texts barely scratched the surface in its twelve lectures that extended over a six-month period.
Therefore, to do justice to the body of knowledge, and show its topical applicability, we will introduce the subject in this letter and take the time to put together a booklet, “Principles to Guide a Functional Citizen,” to be available in the near future.
The Wellsprings of Our Lives
Austrian psychiatrist and scientist Wilhelm Reich said, “Love, work and knowledge are the wellsprings of our life. They should also govern it.”
Simple and clear. In these two short sentences Reich clearly identified the rational core functions of a healthy life and laid out the basis for rational human government.
It is so straightforward. Why then do we not live naturally and simply love, work and learn about the world around us? And why do we not govern our lives accordingly as functional citizens? Answers to such questions go to the roots of the human condition which we will attempt to touch on in our brief survey of functional citizenship. Let’s start on the surface.
Obstacles to Functional Citizenship
A major obstacle to more functional citizenship is that most people are blinded by their preconceived biases and unable to objectively measure social decisions and political action against the yardstick of love, work and knowledge. Even if we asked them to, the answers would fall largely along political party affiliation, Democrat vs. Republican and ideological lines of left vs. right, liberal vs. conservative. Any discussion from those standpoints would lead to more pointless political argument. Such automatic reactions have all the hallmarks of character expressed in the sociopolitical arena.
Character Will Out
An understanding of character—the way someone typically handles their thoughts, sensations and emotions—runs as a vital thread throughout functional thinking. Early in his psychoanalytic career, Wilhelm Reich realized that to truly help his patients he had to look beyond their symptoms. Their neurotic character, manifesting in the entire way they lived their lives, prevented them from improving. To tackle this problem, Reich developed the technique of character analysis, new to the field of psychoanalysis at the time.
Delving deeper revealed social factors that led Reich to conclude that society itself is sick. A troubled individual’s character forms in response to disturbed family relationships and social attitudes. The neurotic individual in turn maintains dysfunctional family and social structures that reinforce and replicate individual neurotic character in succeeding generations.1
Reich’s student, colleague and founder of the ACO, Dr. Elsworth Baker, built on Reich’s original work and for the first time formulated a detailed classification of individual neurotic character diagnoses.2 He also introduced the new concept of sociopolitical character, expanding our understanding of character into the social realm.3
Individual character reflects how society (the environment) molds someone while sociopolitical character describes the particular way an individual attempts to mold society to serve his needs, whether rational or irrational. Each person has both a specific individual character and a particular sociopolitical character. The formulation of sociopolitical character, with its own classification system in a realm distinct from individual character, represented a major step toward an objective, scientific approach to sociopolitics, an area of human function previously consigned to political and moralistic judgements. The perspective it provides is essential for any functional citizen.
Sociopolitical Character
Baker identified liberal and conservative as two basic sociopolitical character types. Subtypes of each are based on the severity of their manifestations. Emotional plague characters, a virulent third type, may occur with either liberal or conservative tendency at the extremes.
Understanding the emotional plague is essential to any genuine understanding of society and politics. But before tackling that complex subject we need to explore the basic dichotomy between liberal and conservative characters, which we deal with every day in our social interactions. Understanding liberal and conservative will also help clarify features of the two forms of the emotional plague that appear at the extremes of the right vs. left spectrum when we return to that topic.
We Need a New Way to Move Forward
In Listen Little Man! Reich told the reader about the effects of World War II, “…you found yourself exactly where you were before it broke out. Perhaps a little more to the “left” than the “right,” but not one millimeter FORWARD!” (italics in original) 4
After the 2008 election, many liberals breathed a sigh of relief that “finally we’ve made a move to the ‘left’ and can make some progress,” while at the same time conservatives made dire predictions that the country would retreat into the dark ages of socialism. Since the 2016 election, we’ve seen the opposite where some conservatives have breathed a sigh of relief that “we’ve finally moved to the ‘right’ and can protect and preserve our country,” while at the same time liberals fear that the country has moved markedly to the “right” and make dire predictions of a fascist police state in which liberal advances will have been set back 25 years.
History tells of many such cycles—maybe a bit to the left or a bit to the right “but not one millimeter FORWARD!” Reich wrote those words in the 1940s and since then events haven’t shown any evidence that political wrangling can solve human problems any better than it has from the beginning of history.
An Opportunity for Functional Citizens
The current political situation gives us an opportunity to see how we might apply functional concepts to find a way forward and out of the blind alleys of pointless ideological arguments between left and right.
People are Fired Up About Politics
Why are people so fired up about politics? On the rational side, human beings are intensely social by nature. As a result, we naturally experience intense emotions in relationship to other people and society. What happens in society matters to us. On the irrational side, when genuine social impulses in some aspect of love or work are frustrated, and the block cannot be rationally overcome, the frustrations will build up in the secondary layer. Without a healthier way to manage them, these may be covered over with an acceptable social façade and continue to build. They can eventually go awry when something breaks down the façade and triggers their expression or projection onto someone or something in the social realm. Projecting secondary emotions is easier than the difficult work of self-reflection and managing them rationally. Many aspects of interpersonal, work or social life in general become politicized because it is also often easier than a simple human approach that is more likely to threaten one with feeling vulnerable.
One of Baker’s great contributions to functional sociopolitics was the clarification that sociopolitical character serves a defensive function that manages a person’s emotions in the social realm. When a therapist confronts a patient’s character defenses, he expects to see reactions of anxiety, fear and defensive rage. Likewise, anything that challenges an individual’s rigid sociopolitical views threatens their defenses and triggers the same sort of reactions.5 Without a rational outlet, those become projected onto social and political relationships and activities. Such challenges to many people’s views is the source of the vehemence we’ve seen in the reactions to recent political events.
Nature, Character and Personality
Reich’s formulation of three layers of human emotional structure clarified many aspects of Man’s relationship to himself and the world. The concept of the healthy core, the sick secondary layer, and the social façade carries implications for every aspect of sociopolitics. The story of its discovery is worth telling.
Early in his clinical work Reich distinguished emotional health based on genuine satisfaction from self-defeating neurotic reactions. But the patients often hid their neurotic problems behind an “…artificial mask of self-control…” To connect better with his patients, Reich moved his chair from the traditional psychoanalytic position out of sight at the head of the treatment couch and positioned himself alongside the patient. He said this allowed him to see the human being behind his façade of “compulsive, insincere politeness and artificial sociality.”6
The direct interaction also gave Reich better access to the patient’s unconscious. In patient after patient he saw beneath the façade, a layer of largely unconscious, neurotic, self-defeating and destructive impulses. Deeper than that he discovered, “Behind it, in the depths, live…natural sociality and sexuality, spontaneous enjoyment of work, [and] capacity for love.” (italics in original).7 This third and deepest layer represented the biological core of the human structure, also unconscious. Although the source of health, Reich also found that the patient usually dreaded these impulses because they flew in the face of traditional social attitudes and structures. But Reich declared this natural core is, “…man’s only real hope of ever mastering social misery.”
This one concept about the three layers of human emotional structure, roughly corresponding to nature, character and personality, respectively,8 is essential for separating rational from irrational, healthy from sick in human life—individual as well as social.9 We will return to it repeatedly in discussing other principles that may guide a functional citizen.
Principles to Guide a Functional Citizen
The forthcoming booklet by this title will cover a range of topics as listed below, including some of the introductory material already presented in the first sections of this letter:
• Introduction
• What is a Functional Citizen?
• What Will a New Year Bring?
• A Chink in the Armor
• An Opportune Time to Apply Functional Knowledge
• Foundations for Functional Citizenship
• The Wellsprings of Our Lives (Love, Work and Knowledge)
• Obstacles to Functional Citizenship
• Character Will Out
• Sociopolitical Character
• We Need a New Way to Move Forward
• An Opportunity for Functional Citizens
• People are Fired Up About Politics
• A Long History of Left vs. Right
• Regardless of Name, Character Runs Deeper than Ideology
• Features of Conservative and Liberal
• We Need Both Liberal and Conservative Tendencies
• Political Parties: Curse or Blessing?
• We’ve Become Polarized
• How to Heal the Divide?
• The Nature of Genuine Contact
• Attractive vs. Antagonistic Interactions
• Failure to Engage
• An Experiment in Engagement
• An Experiment in Political Tolerance
• If Only It Were So Simple
• Nature, Character and Personality: Three Layers of Human Emotional Structure
• Clarifying the Freudian Id
• Distinguishing Rational from Irrational
• Problems in Self-Regulation: Why Love, Work and Knowledge Don’t Govern Our Lives.
• The Function of Rational Government
• The Social Transformation from Authoritarian to Anti-authoritarian
• Fascism
• We Need Biosocial Psychiatrists
• Diagnose Before Treating
• The Emotional Plague
• A Healthy Body Politic
• Political Pendulum or Sociopolitical Homeostasis?
• Do We Need More Compromise?
• The Functional Illogic of Compromise
• Unintended Consequences
• The Compromise of Shared Sovereignty
• Unexpected Creation from Compromise
• The Nature of Creation
• Some Principles from the American Creation
• Founding Moments in U.S. History
• What Happened to the Creative Process in American Government?
• Natural Stages of Development
• Independence: A Sign of Health
• Freedom and Responsibility
• Democracy vs. Republic
• A Republic Under Law: But What Kind of Law?
• Separation of Powers
• Sociopolitical Moralism
• Racism
• Diseases of the Body Politic
• A Functional Look at the Electoral College
• Difficulties in Sociopolitical Prescription and Treatment
• We Need Improved Perception
Summary of Functional Principles of Sociopolitical Orgonomy
The booklet will conclude with a summary of the sociopolitical functional principles that have been discussed. A central thread running through all of them is the principle of functional thinking—thinking as nature functions, especially understanding that spontaneous movement is the basis of Nature. Functional thinking is contrasted with the two common forms of armored thinking—mechanistic and mystical. A functional approach means following what works—the actual effects rather than the content or intentions of someone’s thought.
We give significant attention to four key functional concepts summarized by Konia as forming cornerstones of sociopolitical orgonomy:10
1) The three layers of the bio-psychic apparatus.
2) The emotional plague.
3) Socio-political character structure.
4) The anti-authoritarian transformation of our society.
We also flesh out the significance of several other functional concepts, particularly several derived from orgonometry including:
1) A functional understanding of creation.
2) The basis of contact.
3) Antagonistic vs. Attractive opposite functional pairs as they relate to social interactions.
An American Legacy of Functional Sociopolitics
We can learn much from studying the natural organization of America and its growth and development that resulted from processes allowed to occur spontaneously rather than imposed by some mechanistic or mystical view. The citizens of the United States inherited this legacy which included the fruits of the work of a group of functional sociopolitical thinkers who founded our country. American historian Joseph Ellis, who has written extensively about the American founders, alludes to the spontaneous nature of the process in pointing out that the genius of the structure that evolved came largely from an “improvisational process” rather than flashes of brilliant insight.11
By engaging in active ongoing debate to overcome a deadlock of differing views, they devised a system designed to work practically but “quite by accident” ended up revolutionary in its effect. As Ellis puts it, “…government was not about providing answers, but rather about providing a framework in which the salient questions could continue to be debated.”12
The U.S. form of government developed and was established on the integration of differing views. It served us well for over 200 years and we need such a genuine integration of a multiplicity of views now as much as ever. We must look at what currently interferes with such a functional approach and what we can do to restore it. I hope the review of basic functional principles outlined in the forthcoming booklet is a beginning in that direction.
American and ACO Colonies as Beacons of Light for the Future
Over recent years, in these annual reports, I’ve used the metaphor of the ACO as a group of functional thinkers working to establish ourselves as a colony on the shoreline of the vast continent of Nature. We’ve emphasized that like the American colonists who worked and fought to establish an independent life in a new world, we are struggling to secure a self-sustaining foothold for a functional approach to social problems on a continent already extensively populated by conventional thinkers.13
Many features of the American colonists in the New World and the American College of Orgonomy as an infant colony are functionally identical and carry far beyond a simple metaphor. Against seemingly insurmountable obstacles and impossible odds the American colonists transformed thirteen loosely organized separate colonies into an independent, thriving nation, the United States of America. Despite doubts that the experiment would last, the founders knew the implications for the future. They fought a war for independence and then struggled to establish governmental and political structures that would stand the test of time. To our great good fortune, their genius for functional thinking in the sociopolitical arena prevailed and the United States has continued as a beacon of freedom and opportunity to the entire world for well over two centuries.
The American College of Orgonomy is also up against incredible obstacles. We must establish a foothold in the world to bring the treasure trove of functional knowledge to humanity. The stakes are high. If we too can prevail we can be a beacon of knowledge especially in the realms of social problems and therapy.
The current situation may provide a new opportunity for us to establish a foothold in the conventional world by developing functional citizens and training biosocial psychiatrists knowledgeable in the sociopolitical realm. With our functional knowledge, we too can be a beacon of light for years to come.
The ACO Colony of Functional Knowledge Continues to Bustle
The ACO’s very existence continues to be a miracle.14 We continue bustling with activity especially in the two key areas of therapy and sociopolitics. In 2016, we accepted into the monthly medical orgonomy training seminars the medical candidate who completed the Didactic Seminar in 2015. In his 30s, he represents a new generation of medical orgonomists in our training program. We continue working on a separate therapy website to inform the public about the availability of medical orgone therapy. In anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the Journal of Orgonomy, in continuous publication since its inception in 1967, we are preparing a special issue entirely comprised of clinical cases edited for easy accessibility by the general reader. Stay tuned for a public celebration of the Journal anniversary, tentatively scheduled for October 2017 to include presentations and discussions of the published clinical case reports.
We continue work on a high-quality reprinting of Dr. Konia’s Neither Left Nor Right. The editorial staff of ACO Press is actively working on
Dr. Konia’s upcoming book, Clueless, tentatively scheduled for publication in 2017. It addresses the problems resulting from people’s lack of awareness of themselves as well as of others and the world. Dates for a second sociopolitical orgonomy course, again to be organized by
Dr. Edward Chastka, using Clueless as its text, will be announced as soon as the book is available.
I also want to mention another ripple effect from the ACO’s first Sociopolitical Orgonomy Course in 2014-2015.
The ACO Bringing Sociopolitical Knowledge to the World
A woman who took the first sociopolitical course recently said, “I wish the course was going on now so we could talk about and try to understand what’s going on currently.”
We proposed a discussion group, Dr. Konia got excited about it and Dr. Chastka agreed to help organize and co-lead it. Within a week we had 16 people from among our previous students who expressed interest, and scheduled two sessions in February and March. It’s exciting to see us have another outlet for our knowledge but also gratifying that the College can respond so quickly to a current event. The arms of the organization are maturing in their ability to act.
It is also an opportunity to hone our ability to work with these concepts and engage more people.
Help us Turn Surprise to Amazement
Look back at the image of the baby at the beginning of this letter. We’d like to turn his surprise to amazement at learning something new as we go out to the troubled world and made a positive difference with our knowledge.
Our Promise for the Future
Building a home for functional knowledge has been and will continue to be a huge undertaking, requiring generations. We must keep the ACO alive and well so we can continue bringing our gifts to the world. We have the potential to be the voice of reason, emotional rationality and genuine hope in a world where political noise leaves too many lives playing out on a meaningless human stage as described by Shakespeare:
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
-- Macbeth Act 5, Scene 5.
Reading like great literature, Reich also tells a story. But a story far more promising than Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The discovery of man’s naturally decent biological core hidden under human sickness, for the first time provides a scientific basis to distinguish good and evil and, as Reich said, gives “real hope of mastering social misery.”
Reich also uses the metaphor of a stage but he shows us a genuinely hopeful exit from it. By comparing stage and meadow he depicts the difference between the superficial way people live their lives from behind their social mask and the deeper way they could live from their natural core.
Reich says he gained “more than thirty years of intimate knowledge of the characterological backstage of the public scene.” But he’s not interested in studying “the impact of the backstage events upon the performance on the public stage.” Unlike the kind of life portrayed by Macbeth that “struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more,” Reich “has opened the door which leads from the backstage of the brilliant showroom to the open, free fields and meadows which surround the theater of present-day human affairs. Observed from these meadows under glittering stars in endless heavens, the show on the stage appears strange.”15
From his quiet meadow, Reich, the scientist, dropped bombshell after bombshell on the scientific community as he probed successively deeper realms that led him from psychoanalysis to sociology to biology to physics.16 It was in Reich’s nature and character to drop bombshells. It will take centuries to investigate what he dropped on us.
Of late, we have heard many people from many stages creating a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing. The knowledge first developed by Reich and preserved, evolved and honed by members of the ACO has the potential to bring more of the world off the noisy stage and into the silent meadow.
Kari Berggrav
Wilhelm Reich working on “Man Leaping the Gap”
It was also in Reich’s nature and character as physician and caring human being to devote his life to helping Man leap the gap between his healthy core and the superficial and destructive way he lives his everyday life.17
Bridging the Gap
We at the ACO are not leapers. But by some miracle we exist and even more than that we have preserved, harnessed and developed, in undistorted form, many of the explosive bombshells that Reich dropped on the world. Our task has been profoundly conservative. Rather than trying to leap the gap, it falls to us at the ACO to continue the painstaking task of finding ways to bridge the gap and secure a foothold for functional knowledge.
In recent years, we’ve been looking outward more to see how to catch the forward-spinning wave. At the same time that we take more of a future-oriented view, we need to continue to establish ourselves in the world as a solid, pulsing, emotionally-charged colony of functional knowledge. Only then can we fulfill the promise of this work to help people create better core contact with themselves, their children and in society.
A Great Investment in a Hopeful Future
We need to continue to try to establish a foothold in the world as an organization that truly stands up for genuine satisfaction in love, work and knowledge. Where else can you invest in the future of these core values on such a real and profound level? We need your ongoing support to help us have a chance in this vital task. Your contribution supports our efforts to create and sustain a home for functional knowledge, develop the programs that keep it alive and bring them to the world.
We Remain Dependent on Investors and Supporters Like You
We’ve compared the ACO’s current phase of organizational development to that of an infant.18 The reality is that like an infant we need your ongoing support and nourishment, the equivalent of a colony’s motherland. Our very existence depends on the generosity of supporters like you until we achieve the independence that will come from more students enrolling in our training programs, and more people attending our presentations and buying our books and journals. Your generosity also allows us to try new approaches to outreach. Our core is vitally alive but we still need help to develop our healthy organizational character that can sustain our work.
Join Us
I hope you will join with us by continuing your financial support to insure our success in this historic venture. Please donate or sign up as a member-donor so that we can count on a steady income stream to sustain us in the coming months and years ahead. And if you are not already on our e-mail list, please help us make contact with you more quickly by joining our mailing list online.
Thank You for Your Generosity
From all of us at the ACO, I thank you for your support and generosity. Let us follow in the footsteps of the American founders who, in taking on what seemed the impossible task of declaring their independence from the motherland, said, “We pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” In their Declaration of Independence, they also said, we are endowed by our “…Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” With that in mind, I wish you and yours a healthy life, freedom of expression, and satisfaction in your pursuit of happiness in the new year. We hope to see you in the near future at one of our events at our Princeton home.
Peter A. Crist, M.D.,
Please support the ACO today
p.s. Please contact the ACO to let us know if you are interested in purchasing a copy of the forthcoming booklet, “Principles to Guide a Functional Citizen.” We’ll let you know when it’s available.
1 Reich, W. 1949. Character Analysis, (Translated by Wolf, T.). New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux and Reich, W. 1942, 1948, 1961. Function of the Orgasm, (Translated by Wolf, T.). New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
2 Baker, E. 2000.Man in the Trap. Princeton, NJ: ACO Press, pp. 99-152.
3 Ibid. Chapter 13, Socio-political Character Types,” pp. 153-198.
4 Reich, W. 1948, Listen Little Man, New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, p. 102.
5 Baker, E. 2000.Man in the Trap. Princeton, NJ: ACO Press, p. 157.
6 Reich, W. 1942, 1948, 1961. Function of the Orgasm, (Translated by Wolf, T.). New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, p. 204.
7 Ibid.
8 Crist, P. 1993, “Nature, Character and Personality,” Journal of Orgonomy 27(1) pp. 48-60.
9 Reich, W. 1946, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, (Translated by Wolf, T.). New York: Orgone Institute Press, Preface to the Third Edition, pp. vii-viii.
10 Konia, C. 2016, blog entry, “The Cornerstones of Social Orgonomy,” http://charleskonia.com, July 28, 2016.
11 Ellis, J. 2007. American Creation. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, p. 18.
12 Ibid. p. 123.
13 See pages 3-4 of my President’s 2014 Annual Report and Holiday Appeal.
14 For a discussion of the miraculous nature of the ACO, see page 3 of my President’s 2014 Annual Report and Holiday Appeal.
15 Reich, W. 1951, Cosmic Superimposition. Rangeley, Maine: Orgone Institute Press, Chapter I, “Stage and Meadow,” p. 1.
16 Crist, P. 2007, “Wilhelm Reich’s Legacy: Bombshells in Science," Journal of Orgonomy 41(2), pp. 82-87.
17 Ibid.
18 See page 12 of my President’s 2014 Annual Report and Holiday Appeal.